Sunday, March 17, 2013

Review of the album Relentless by Misty Edwards

    In a world where there is so much criticism and so much cynicism (including by me), it is hard to find a new artist or album that is different or really "speaks" to you. Especially in the Gospel or Christian music genre. So much of this type of music has been tainted over time. Every once in a while though, an artist will surface who has the ability to cross all genres and still stay true to the integrity of the music. Misty Edwards is just that kind of artist.

    It's funny how someone can be introduced to something new in their lives. Sometimes, when watching a movie or a television show, one might hear a song and think "I just HAVE to have that song!". This has actually happened to me many times. So, imagine my surprise when my husband comes to me and says "You have to see this Youtube video. It's hilarious." He then shows me a video of about 5 African American men at a home, working out to a song in the background. Sounds pretty benign, right? Well, every few seconds, they would all stop and just shout "Hallelujah!". Nothing too different, after all, it's a Youtube video. However, imagine seeing this room of brawny, sweaty men working out to this Misty Edwards-Garden. "REALLY?" I thought. I laughed it off, but the truth is that song stuck with me for a couple of weeks. I absolutely had to download, not just the song, but the whole album.

   What I found was exactly what I expected. Misty Edward's voice had an ability to get me to stop what I was doing, what I was thinking, and just listen. Her lyrics, I felt spoke to my heart. Her sound was a lot like Evanescence, which was my absolutely favorite band when I used to listen to secular music. It could excite me and calm me down, all at the same time. The songs like   The Light of Your Face, which starts out so calm and serene. Then, moves to a sort of a "marching band" sound, which makes it interesting. Then, the song just takes off! After Misty has you in her grip and has you transported in reflection on God and the things of God, which is her "one-two" punch. She ALWAYS, in EVERY SONG, like Mohammed Ali, delivers an uppercut! Before you know it, your heart is pumping, and you're somewhere else and you look up like "How did I get here?" This is what you hope an artist does to you when you listen to music. Misty Edwards delivers!

    What many people don't know about me, especially if you know a little about my history, is I was once a professional ballet dancer. So, imagine my surprise while listening to this album when I felt I could choreograph a dance to one of her songs. Now, this is an area of my life I have chosen to shut down for years. I've also decided not to jump back into it, but when the opportunity came for our annual church talent show, I took the chance. Instead of getting a group together, I decided I would choreograph my family. We did it to You Won't Relent which starts out slowly as Misty's songs usually do and pick up significantly. This involved my husband, my 17 year old daughter, my 5 year old son and myself. My husband and daughter lip synched, while I danced. My son came in at the end and prayed for me, then praised what God did in our lives. It was beautiful. We didn't win, but afterwards, I had several people come to me asking "Who sings that song?". It showed me that they had the same reaction I did when listening to her music. Which is in stark contrast to the original artist that introduced me to gospel music-R. Kelly. That's right, R. Kelly introduced me to gospel music. The same person that sings Bump n Grind. Hey, if God can use a donkey as is told in The Bible; why can't He use R. Kelly, right?

    Misty Edwards delivers in this album, like no one I have heard before when it comes to "contemporary christian" music. She crosses the line between "God music" and what's palatable as "pop" music. I don't really know what genre she falls into except, the fact that she can bring me into the presence of the Lord, even while driving down the highway. Most of the time, I look up and I'm at work already. I already have another dance choreographed in my mind and maybe one day, I will get to have it performed. For now, though I am happy to have my little moments with the music of Misty Edwards. And in my research for this review, I found that she has several other albums released. Needless to say, I will be asking for iTunes Gift Cards for Christmas.

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